Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Citizen Cake

Ever get that antsy feeling of trying a new restaurant...especially one you've never heard of before and Yelp only gave it 3 stars?  Well I've got that feeling and a whole lot of others about Citizen Cake in San Francisco.

The only reason I've heard about it now...and will be trying it tomorrow...is because of a friend.  I usually take the wheel when it comes to dining and choosing where to chow -- I'm a stickler when it comes to good food -- but I have surrendered the power to my friend for her birthday and Citizen Cake is what she chose.

Normally I whole-heartedly follow Yelp.  I trust my fellow food connoisseurs and would only go to restaurants that has AT THE VERY LEAST 3.5 stars.  Anything lower I consider garbage...yes, I am THAT picky!  But this time, I'm giving Citizen Cake a chance...only because their old location on Grove St. closed down and opened a new one on Fillmore St.

I'm also giving Citizen Cake a chance because of Chef Elizabeth Falkner.  According to her bio, "Elizabeth Falkner has become one of the most recognizable faces of the Bay Area culinary world on Bravo, Food Network and beyond. She has been a frequent contestant, judge, and guest on Top Chef Masters, Top Chef, Iron Chef America, Sugar Rush, Tyler's Ultimate with Tyler Florence, Rachael Ray's $40 a Day, Martha Stewart Living, and more."

If this lady has been on Top Chef, Iron Chef America, not to mention, Martha Stewart (!), she MUST be good right?  We'll see!

Tomorrow is the big day...and I'm more than a little anxious to try this place.  With all the "rave" reviews posted on the website, I'm trying really hard not to have any high expectations.  Then again, with that kind notoriety, maybe I should!  If any of you guys have been here (preferably the new location)..please share your experiences and/or recommendations!  I would love to hear them :)

I'll let you know what happens and what the food connoisseur in me thinks.  Until then.....

ps.  I think I'm gonna go a mission to try everything on this list.  Who's in?!

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