Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sorry for the absence...

I apologize to readers..and my one follower...for my lack of blogging the past week or so.  I've been bombarded with a severe case of the sinus infection.  It all started last thursday...

I had been having a steady runny nose (allergies?) for couple weeks already.  But that Thursday morning, I woke up with a little cough thinking it was just the super cold weather constricting my lungs.  Having a history of asthma, I brushed it off thinking the cause was the cold weather and it would soon go away.  But as I got to school, an elephant was sitting on my chest and I could barely get a breath in, and before I knew it, I was hyperventilating.  So on to the Student Health Urgent Care I go.  After an hour or so breathing into a paper bag and going on the albuterol drip, I finally started to feel better.

Then friday morning came around and that elephant came back and the cough had worsen.  To play it safe, I went to go see my primary doctor.  Turns out, I had bronchospasms -- my lungs like to constrict whenever it wants causing me to cough and feel extremely week and tired.  The treatment?  Huffing and puffing out of my inhaler three times a day until the cough subsides.

Come Saturday, I was feeling like tip top shape again so I decided to take my mom to afternoon tea filled with buttery, flaky scones, savory sandwiches, and exotic teas imported from around the world.  Nearing the end of our afternoon delight, my breathing starting to weigh me down and it was as if all the energy got sucked right out of me.  Thinking that I was just tired, I took a nap.  Once woken up, instead of feeling refreshed and bright-eyed, I felt like the living dead.  I could not force myself to eat as my runny nose was acting like an overflowing faucet.  It was non-stop sniffling and blowing.  I would have been casted for a Kleenex commercial.

That night, as I was trying to fall asleep, something wasn't right.  So I woke my dad up and my parents took me to the emergency room.  We got there around 12:30 in the morning and as my mom and I were walking through the ER, I had supposedly fainted.

Somewhere in between arriving at the ER and being knocked out with some super strong narcotic, I had been screaming in pain.  I had a headache that was worse than a migraine... my head felt like it was about to explode.  Seeing how much pain I was in, the docs drugged me up and took me on my way to a head CT scan.  And that's when they found it.  A sever sinus infection that had spread all over my forehead and both sides of my cheeks.

After 7 hours in the emergency room, I was finally discharged.

It's safe to say that we caught the infection early enough to where there is no harm done, other than my extremely painful migraine and what nots.  Let's hope these super strong antibiotics are effective, cause if not, I'm gonna need surgery to remove those infections.

There are times where I feel ok enough to eat, talk, facebook...but then there are times where I feel like death -- extreme hot flashes, cold sweats, shortness of breath, extreme stomach pains from the antibiotic, nausea, and dizziness.  For now, I gonna be glued to my bed as much as I can.  Walking around is the worse, so I definitely gotta take it easy for the next couple days.

Until then...stay warm, stay dry, and stay healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better. You are an inspiration.
